Little Lola’s Outfit – finally complete :-)

The D-rings finally arrived and Mom finished sewing the leg pockets for Little Lola’s pants and the pair of suspenders! Now they are quite like I had wanted them to be. The original picture of the pants showed the pants had little chains and stuff attached to the D-rings and suspenders, but I suppose I can still do that later, when I find suitable little chains. For now, the outfit is complete. See for yourself:


Didn’t that turn out awesome?


Thank you to my mom for all the sewing! ❤

Little Lola’s outfit is coming together

Look what mom surprised me with yesterday. She had bought shoes and sewed a shirt for Little Lola and when we returned from our little trip to the mountains yesterday, I got to pick an iron-on thingy to go on it and found the PERFECT one! 😀

Doesn’t Little Lola look awesome in the new outfit?? I can’t wait for the pants to get finished!

click to enlarge

click to enlarge

She still needs some approproate bracelets. I’m also considering whether I should use the pink marker I ‘dyed’ her hair with to draw a little on the white caps of her shoes. Like a little pink star maybe. Or a skull. Hmmmmm…..

More Progress for Little Lola!!

Mom has been sewing yesterday evening and sewed some more this morning and I think it’s looking sooooooo awesome already! It’s not even half done because the pockets on the pants’ legs are still missing, and the suspenders are missing, too, but I’m real happy!! 😀 Isn’t it AWESOME????


(Bestest. Mom. Ever.)

First progress for Little Lola

Okay, so it’s likely you won’t find that any interesting at all, and it doesn’t really have a lot to do with mental health or anything, just with me being real excited! Hehe! Look what I just helped make:


It’s inside out and not sewed together yet, but I helped with measuring, cutting and putting the needles in and I’m kinda proud of that. It’s also already looking like a pair of trousers! Kinda. 😀

One step closer to Little Lola’s outfit! :-)

Look what just arrived in the mail! Mom had ordered a pink fabric with tiny white dots!


That, along with an ill-fitting black shirt will go on to become a little outfit kind of like the one I had envisioned! I’m delighted!!! 😀 And in case you forgot what I had envisioned, here it is again:


It’s gonna be AWESOME!!!! 😀

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